Hello Richard. I just wanted to let you know that thanks to your diminished value report, I received about three times what the insurance company originally offered. I want to thank you again for all your help, expertise and most I AM WRITING TO LET YOU KNOW THAT State Farm has Totaled our vehicle.

We had been dealing with the same obstinate and deceptive claim rep for two weeks to no avail.  Until we hired you, his best offer to us was a repaired vehicle and a paltry $67.50 for diminished value.  He was adamant that his offer was fair and pursuant to 17C.

After faxing our demand letter and the DV report that you prepared for us, and seeing that it was routed to a supervisor, our claim was immediately forwarded to the Total Loss Department.  State Farm promises to have a check for us in the morning for $11,272.25.  Your report and advice helped us do in 36 hours what we had not been able to get done in two weeks.

We would highly recommend Collision Claim Associates to anyone in a similar position.  Sincerely,

Holly & Jason B.