AT-FAULT PERSON HAD MINIMUM COVERAGE OF ONLY $10,000. – I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for all of the help in settling my diminished value claim.  It was over a year ago that my new car was damaged.  With your help, I have successfully been able to negotiate a settlement of $10,000.  With a sum like that, the insurance company really fought to keep my money.  Fortunately, I had your help every step of the way and I eventually prevailed.  I remember the day after the accident I didn’t have much hope of ever regaining the car’s lost value.  The insurance company said that they didn’t pay diminished value in California.  But with my persistence and your assistance I recovered a sum that will help cover that diminished value.  There was no way I could have received this payout without your help! Thanks,

Mike Aver